In 2024, Hollywood is set to deliver a wave of highly anticipated sequels and new installments from popular franchises, including Hollywood movies that got delayed from 2023 due to the Hollywood strikes. After a turbulent year marked by strikes and lackluster box office performance, Hollywood enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the 2024 movie lineup.

Excitement surrounds Hollywood movie releases such as Deadpool 3 and Dune: Part Two, despite numerous delays. However, a closer look at the most highly-anticipated projects reveals concerns about Hollywood’s ongoing direction and the future of film. Actors and writers on strike postponed several releases, but throughout 2024, audiences can expect a lineup filled with the most awaited Hollywood movies including sequels and threequels.

Below is the list of eagerly awaited upcoming Hollywood movies in 2024.

Deadpool 3

In this superhero film by Shawn Levy, Ryan Reynolds’ iconic Deadpool joins forces with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine from the X-Men franchise. After a series of solo movies under Fox, Deadpool makes his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Jennifer Garner reprises her role as Elektra in this highly anticipated film, scheduled to hit theaters on May 3, 2024.

Dune: Part Two

Denis Villeneuve’s 2021 Oscar-nominated epic gets a direct sequel, Dune: Part Two, featuring a star-studded cast including Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Dave Bautista, Javier Bardem, Stellan Skarsgard, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, and Léa Seydoux. Delays from its original release this year were a result of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

Mufasa: The Lion King

Directed by Oscar winner Barry Jenkins, this film serves as a prequel to the 2019 live-action adaptation of The Lion King. It chronicles the rise of Mufasa, portraying his journey to become one of the greatest kings in the history of private lands. The Lion King, a remake of the 1994 animated classic, employed innovative techniques to bring to life photorealistic animals and captivating African landscapes.

Kung Fu Panda 4

In the animated film directed by Mike Mitchell, Po Ping sets out on a fresh adventure in his pursuit of inner peace. Awkwafina joins the cast as a new character, and Po faces a new adversary, The Chameleon, portrayed by Viola Davis. The film is scheduled for release on March 8, 2024.

Beetlejuice 2

In the upcoming film Beetlejuice 2, Michael Keaton reprises his titular character, joined by returning stars Winona Ryder and Catherine O’Hara. Jenna Ortega and Justin Theroux also feature in the movie, scheduled to hit theaters on September 6, 2024. The original Beetlejuice, featuring Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis, portrayed recently deceased newlyweds whose spirits were trapped in their country residence.

Joker: Folie a Deux

The sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 Oscar-nominated film, Joker, brings back Joaquin Phoenix as Batman’s iconic nemesis. Scheduled to debut on the big screen exactly five years after the first film’s release, on October 4, 2024, Joker: Folie a Deux takes a musical turn. Lady Gaga is set to portray Harley Quinn, the co-conspirator of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga 

Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth star in “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,” the prequel to George Miller’s Mad Max series. The movie is set to release on May 24 and follows the story of a young Furiosa finding herself after being taken from the Green Place of Many Mothers and entering a dark world.

Rebel Moon: The Scargiver

Zack Snyder directs the first part of Rebel Moon, hitting Netflix on December 21, followed by Part 2 on April 19. Led by Sofia Boutella, the space opera unfolds in a new world envisioned by Zack. The story revolves around a peaceful agrarian colony on the galaxy’s edge facing a threat from the armies of the Imperium and its tyrannical leader, Regent Balisarius.

Gladiator 2

In the upcoming Gladiator sequel, Hollywood veterans Ridley Scott and Denzel Washington, known for their collaboration on 2007’s American Gangster, reunite. Aftersun star Paul Mescal takes the lead role in the sequel, set years after the original 2000 film that starred Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, and Connie Nielsen. The story will shift its focus to Lucius (Mescal), the son of Lucilla (Nielsen) and the nephew of Commodus (Phoenix), exploring events following the aftermath of the first film.


John Krasinski is set to release his upcoming action-animated comedy, IF, on May 17, 2024, featuring A-list stars Ryan Reynolds and Steve Carell in lead roles. The film, written and directed by Krasinski, revolves around a girl discovering her ability to see everyone’s imaginary friends. As she embraces this superpower, she embarks on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten IFs with their kids.

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